Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
back to the dirt
I realized the other day I haven't taken a botanical photograph in ages. For a while work had me behind a desk but recently I was able to make a great change and get back to the dirt. Having survived the first week I relished in the option to sleep in this morning, even though I was still up by 8:30. A little sore but so much happier as I sit here sipping cup number two. The other day I was working on a slope and people kept asking what the tall perennial flower was down at the edge in the dappled mid-September sun. "It's just so beautiful", they would gawk.

Japanese anemone (Anemone x hybrida) is a plant worth knowing about if you don't already. In sun or dappled shade these upright herbaceous perennials can get to about 3' or 4' tall and flowering by late summer or early fall. Most anemones bloom much earlier in spring, like Anemone canadensis and other native species of this large genus within the Ranunculaceae family. One of the common names you hear for many anemones is windflower, which likely derives from "anemos", the Greek word for wind (Flora, 2004). In all their forms anemones are a excellent woodland plant, loving organic-rich soil and good drainage and a good chunk of sun. Discover them emerging from the leaf litter in early spring before everything else comes to life, or enjoy the later Japanese anemone, with all of its cultivars, while we welcome the cooler temperatures and the changing of the seasons. Someday I will have them in my woodland garden and you can all come over and visit.
Hepatica acutiloba I thought was now considered Anemone acutiloba, but perhaps not. Whatever. Cool plants. Check 'em out. I need a shower.

Japanese anemone (Anemone x hybrida) is a plant worth knowing about if you don't already. In sun or dappled shade these upright herbaceous perennials can get to about 3' or 4' tall and flowering by late summer or early fall. Most anemones bloom much earlier in spring, like Anemone canadensis and other native species of this large genus within the Ranunculaceae family. One of the common names you hear for many anemones is windflower, which likely derives from "anemos", the Greek word for wind (Flora, 2004). In all their forms anemones are a excellent woodland plant, loving organic-rich soil and good drainage and a good chunk of sun. Discover them emerging from the leaf litter in early spring before everything else comes to life, or enjoy the later Japanese anemone, with all of its cultivars, while we welcome the cooler temperatures and the changing of the seasons. Someday I will have them in my woodland garden and you can all come over and visit.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
figs and football

We were invited to brunch today by a friend we hadn't seen in a while. She has a big backyard with lots of potential that she can do whatever she wants with. I was drawing plans in no time. Shrubs for wildlife and focal points from inside. Compost bin can hide there, behind the tomatoes and squash. Beans there, peas over a bit, to climb the fence. For the front, set seed for a meadow cutting garden of easy natives, Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Monarda, Aquilegia, or whatever you want. It will all be fine under the amazing fig tree. wait. what? Amazing fig tree?! Sa-lammin'!
Luckily our lovely host Megan said she couldn't eat another so we had a festive little harvest before we hit the road. Delish!
You know how figs are pollinated, right? It's a pretty fascinating story, from a botanical standpoint, that is.
So, a common fruiting fig (Ficus carica) is a flowering tree, but where are the flowers? When figs form, the flowers are actually inside that mini pear shaped syconium. Ultimately you cannot see a figs flowers until you cut into a fig. At the base of figs is a tiny hole where tiny wasps fly in and buzz around to pollinate the flowers. For every flower is a pollinator, remember. Well, how do they know the flowers are in there, you might ask. Easy. The whole time the tiny little wasps are just looking for a suitable place to lay their eggs. Plants, they're somthing. I'll leave you with that, I have to get back to football anyway. Happy Sunday.

Curious to know more about growing figs in New York City? Well, I happen to write two pieces about that for my old work blog and you are invited to check those out too if you like:
The original Q&A from the HSNY blog
and then
Part two, complete with some very cool pics of bound fig trees
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ea pics from last Sunday...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
on politics
I thank Charles Gibson for asking the questions he did and running a good interview. I think he did a great job. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, I do not believe. This is the absolute best VP nomination the Republicans can come up with? Really?!? I know there is a lot to know, and it is hard to find any news agency that doesn't have a little slant in one direction or the other, but still, you have to be a little smarter to talk with the big kids. Commitment is fabulous but we all know commitment is not experience. And I am a big fan of experiential learning over talk, talk, talk. I was asked to join one of those silly facebook groups called "I Have More Foreign Policy Experience than Sarah Palin". Little did I know that was actually true. And I hate politics! Wowch.
Anne Denzler Worth 1922 - 2008
Anne Worth nee Catherine Anne Denzler of Cutchogue and later Ft. Pierce Florida died on September 5 at the home of her daughter Sue Worth Feleppa in East Hampton. She was weeks shy of her 86th birthday.
Born October 2, 1922 in Cutchogue NY, Anne was one of five daughters of Albert William Denzler and Anna Helene Gee. She graduated from Southold High School in 1940 and attended Wanamaker’s Beautician School in Manhattan. After studying the craft that she would practice throughout her lifetime and some stints as a hand model, she returned to Cutchogue to marry her high school sweetheart William Wilson (Bud) Worth who was serving in the Navy immediately after Pearl Harbor.
Her husband of 53 years predeceased her in 1994; and she lost her two sisters, Kathleen Foster of Port St. Lucie FL and Margaret Helene Bush of Greenport NY during the past thirteen months as she courageously battled cancer.
Anne and Bud raised two daughters and a son on the North Road and later Wells Avenue in Southold, all of whom survive her: Lilian Anne (Bonnie) Rose Wilcenski of Sidney Center, NY; Sue W. Feleppa of East Hampton NY; and William Wayne Worth of Los Angeles CA. She is also survived by two sisters: Mary Patricia Foley of Cortland NY and Eileen Walters of Southold NY; plus eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
A piece of local history: While Bud Worth was working at Grumman Aviation on the Apollo Lunar Module (lem) that would bring man to the moon, Anne was at home in her kitchen pleasing her customers with perms and rinses or baking her scrumptious apple pie for the night’s dinner table.
A loving mother, wife, and volunteer, Anne was devoted to her family, speaking often of the classical piano music that her mother played, or of her dad who cooked the two o’clock Sunday roast, or of the wonderful years dancing the Peabody or Lindy with her husband. Her white hair beautifully coiffed and her smile distinctively warm, Anne was most enthusiastic about her plants and flowers, her birds, her chocolates, her CC, and her ability to lay down devastating hands of Bridge and Cribbage.
A mass will be held on Wednesday September 10 at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Southold, with a graveside memorial immediately following. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of DeFriest Grattan Funeral Home in Southold.
The family asks in lieu of flowers that donations go to your favorite charity for children.
(Picture taken and obituary prepared by my father, Richard Feleppa - September, 2008)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
faithful to the journey of life
Wednesday was a crisp and clear September morning out on the North Fork of Long Island. The funeral for my grandmother was held at St. Patrick's in Southold at 10am. Tim did one of the most poignant readings of Ecclesiastes. Father Ken spoke about my grandmother being faithful to the journey of life as we all must strive to be. My mother called him a tough act to follow but she did fabulous herself. Anne Denzler Worth was a lady in every sense of the word and we honored that. Following church and a gathering in the cemetery to bring Nanny back by my grandfather's side we migrated to the water to have lunch and reminisce and enjoy the day as Anne and Bud would have.
(Oh, you know you can click on the pictures to see them enlarged)
Everywhere we looked there were subtle reminders of the joys my grandparents found during their lives. It was a perfect day to be on the water. I loved when we used to take an evening ride on Pop-Pop's boat after dinner.

Nanny was always a lover of birds and bird watching so all the visitors were welcome.

Pepi's had a great big tented area loaded with food and drink but most of us gathered to bask in the sun out back.
Cousin Skip and my dad.
Mom having a blast telling stories to Joanie Worth and Aunt Brennie.
Uncle Whoop was looking sharp.
Ed Worth and Tom Fantini hoped on the cocktail train. The family made sure there was no lack of Canadian Club, Nan's drink of choice.
I hadn't seen my cousins Mike and Skip together in a while so that was really a treat. Talk about a couple of great characters.
My cousins on my dad's side made the trip down from Connecticut with my Aunt and that really meant a lot to my folks. Sue Woods and Gian Carlo Feleppa were keeping it positive.
We were all tempted to hop in the water. Frosty and Tim at least got to wriggle their toes a bit. Morgane had just flown east from LA and we were so glad she did.
Ea was stealing the show all morning and afternoon. Here she is in the arms of my mom, the newly appointed grandmother. And here we are, accepting the joy and sorrow life brings, and through it all doing our best to be faithful to the journey.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
If I could name a plant...
Monday, September 8, 2008
"I think shuffle is psychic"

"Ballade" by Illyah Kuryahkin off the album Count No Count

"Sprout and the Bean" by Joanna Newsom off the album The Milk-Eyed Mender

"Battle of Who Could Care Less" by Ben Folds Five off the album Whatever & Ever Amen

"Drag Days" by Guided By Voices off the album Under the Bushes Under the Stars

Others made appearences of note but it is now late and I have a long day at my new job tomorrow. Thank God I'll be back in the gardens.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Nanny's last pie

We drove out that evening and swooped Uncle Whoop up along the way in Islip. Saturday friends and family and loving sentiment kept arriving. My mom just wanted to be surrounded by love so that's what we did. The phaelanopsis above came first. Then this beautiful creation:

Monday, September 1, 2008
The Full Melvin
Friends and family will be happy to know that Melvin is now officially cast-free. Following the cast and the e-collar its funny to see him without anything on. Hence, the nickname of the week, The Full Melvin. Yeah, we're having entirely too much fun. It's kind of ridiculous. We know.

Great weekend at home entertaining good ol' friends. And now psyched to have another day off before testing out a new job in Central Park. Free time? Oh, I'm down. Happy Sunday on a Monday!
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