Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today in the Garden

Tulipa 'Spring Green'
Tulipa 'Violet Beauty'
The display of 20,000 tulips in bloom at the Conservatory Garden, Central Park, New York City.
The north allee is already showering people with the falling crabapple blossoms, weeks ahead of schedule because of all this heat, the month about 10 degrees above normal if I heard Mr. G. correctly on CBS radio this morning.
And the south allee of course.
The lilacs (Syringa) are out, so is the Berberis julianae along with the crabapples and the nose and senses are blissfully overwhelmed. Few things are as stunning as the smell of spring in the northeast.
Talk about a crabapple (Malus floribunda), one of the largest and oldest in all of Central Park! This is the anchor of the English Garden within the Conservatory Garden.
And this other crabapple has definitely been through it's fair share of storms but is still so magnificent.

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