Gifted with a great spring day we decided to walk over to Astoria Park. Apparently my focus for the day was the bridges. Aplenty in this neighborhood, these amazing structures really help give good ol' Astoria, Queens it's own awesome charm. ...my thoughts at least. Above: once we made it to the park, the East River, Manhattan Island in the distance, and the Triboro Bridge. Yeah, yeah, yeah, RFK whatever, it's always going to be the Triboro to me.

Not the best shot I've taken in the park, but the Hell Gate bridge (aka the Amtrak bridge) is a beautiful span and a great backdrop to the north end of Astoria Park.

one hell of a vine filling up that northeastern facing base of the Hell Gate bridge

Of course we had to stop in to the Beer Garden at Bohemian Hall near Krissy's old studio apartment and have a pitcher in the sun. Just about six years ago we met here for the first time to toss back some brews and get to know each other. Aren't we glad we did!

It was a pretty perfect spring afternoon, the first of many to come, no doubt. Eventually we retreated home, walking over the train overpass we got to know very well as it was the main passage between our apartments those years ago.
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