Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy B-day Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock
Number 8, 1949 (detail)
Oil, enamel, and aluminum paint on canvas
Neuberger Museum
State University of New York

Paul Jackson Pollock was born on January 28th, 1912 in Wyoming, which I didn't know until this moment. Growing up we were always driving by the Pollock-Krasner house in my home town and it would be years before I would learn about this amazing abstract expressionist painter. I always assumed he was a native New Yorker, like many other sensational artists that live all over that neck of the woods. But then again I didn't know Dan Christensen was born in Nebraska. Anyway, seeing the Google homepage today I was reminded that abstract expressionism really does speak to me. Rothko I enjoyed quickly and easily early on, but my appreciation of Pollock took a few years more before maturing. Of course Rothko didn't necessarily consider himself an abstract expressionist, but hey, you don't need me to lecture, you know how to navigate wikipedia.

Instead, let's have creative fun for a moment. I love Pollock for his influence to create that which moves you, what you feel. I don't remember who passed this website along to me but you have to check it out. Move your mouse around the "canvas" and see what comes of it. The only thing you might want to know is that single-clicking changes the color. Otherwise, you'll see. Have fun, don't overthink, just create.

Happy Birthday Mr. Pollock, and thank you.
Cheers all,

PS. This link is also permanently listed on the side over there so keep enjoying.

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