Sunday, August 14, 2011

props to Surfrider, and especially their graphics department!

This is the cover of the June/July issue of Making Waves, the newsletter of one of my most favorite orgs, the Surfrider Foundation. I hope that they don't mind that I posted this, but I had to because I keep revisiting it and thinking to myself, "Wow, what a powerful and striking image, everyone should see this". Endless props to Surfrider and their Rise Above Plastics campaign, not to mention the genius folks on their graphics team that came up with this concept and image. Amazing! Frigging Amazing!

...and remember. Every piece of plastic you have ever used, it still exists today, in some form or another. Every time you go to the store and accept that bag or opt to buy the extra packaging because it's "just easier that way", that plastic will never break down. It will always be a burden to the natural world and ecosystems that we all take so terribly for granted. Do what the good men and women at Surfrider ask you to do and rise above plastics. Go to to become a member and help fight the good fight.

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