Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, new roof!

We woke this morning to good weather, which meant only one thing as we saw the guys begin to arrive at 7am, a new roof!  Buying the house we knew it was inevitable so we went ahead and bit the bullet, thanks in major part to Gramma and Grampa, Hilda and Howard Good, for their most amazing generosity.  After asking around town, facebook and whatnot, we decided to go with everyone's top recommendation, Straightline Roofing.  These guys were fantastic.  Like a fine-tuned machine they wasted no time and ended up doing an exceptional job, while being super-nice and professional.  A huge thanks to Steve and company.  We're psyched!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woah! What’s up with your roof, Alex? Is it badly damaged or has it gone beyond its years? Will you be using the same material as your old roof, or are you going with a new one? Should you opt for a new material, may I suggest that you go for metal roofing? Metal roofs are very durable and are highly resistant to cracking, eroding, and shrinking. It’s basically a type of roof that needs very little maintenance. Also, did you know that a metal roof adds $1.45 per square foot to a home’s resale value?

Sasha Herrick