Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is Ea Mimm Feleppa, she's my niece. I adore the hell out of this little creature. Actually the photo above is what made me want to write a blog. I don't know why exactly, but her coming into the world was somehow a major factor. A need for a record of these times, to recreate the journal, to acknowledge all of this amazingness life brings us. There is a quote that fellow TMS alumni know well, one by Henry David Thoreau. It goes like this:

"Let the daily tide leave some deposit on these pages, as it leaves sand and shells on the shore.... This may be a calendar of the ebbs and flows of the soul; and on these sheets as a beach, the waves may cast up pearls and seaweed."

This is Ea on Easter Sunday at the folks house out on LI. ...and assorted pics.
More available at the flickr link to your right.

(PS. click on the photos)

I love photography too, always have. Dad is a great photographer so I was fortunate to have such a good eye as a teacher. Again, there is so much amazingness out there, some times you can't just let it slip by unrecorded.

I have an interesting meeting tomorrow. Technically, figuratively, either way I'm hesitant to get into it so prematurely. Checking out my options as a horticulturist let's say. It's supposed to be a beautiful day. I hope so. Wish me a good meeting.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

oh my god. look at that face!

(when the hell did this happen to me???)