Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It was after dinner. Ate light and retired to the couch as is customary. Season finale of Top Chef and been hooked all season. Sat down, got comfy. The beer was tasting good, definitely going down easy. A bunch of friends at work had been passing me various magazines to check out, now sitting on the coffee table in front of me. I grabbed one. Opened it up, began flipping through slowly. Wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. I stumbled upon a picture of a beauty I hadn't seen in a while. Angraecum sesquipedale if you know what I'm talking about! Aw yeah. That's a whole lot to take in, let me tell you. The photo spreads getting larger, the images still so clear and lifelike. I'm so sucked in the TV is now just a noise distraction in the distance. Is it getting warm in here or is it just me? The show goes to commercial. My love asks a question and I respond with a useless murmur. She looks over. "Oh, are you looking at hort porn again?"
Oh shit, I was so busted. "Hort Porn" I confirmed aloud to myself and we erupted into laughter. Damn near cried it was so funny. And all I could say was yeah, I'm guilty, can't deny it. I love my hort porn.
And I know most of you do too. Don't try to deny it. I know who you are. Remember, "Excuses don't excuse and explanations don't explain. They build bridges to nowhere and monuments to nothing." My high school dorm head taught me that!


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