Thursday, April 17, 2008

surprise day off

I've been meaning to take a serious walk through town and photograph everything in bloom. It's something I love to do in spring because everyone gets so curious about all the trees and shrubs that we see bursting out of dormancy and into flower. Trained and mentored by some pretty amazing arborists I'm not always speaking so highly about the pear trees, with their structural issues and tendency towards splitting into pieces when fully mature. However, on a visit to Brooklyn last weekend I found a well trained one with unbelievably even branching and covered with clusters of white flowers. I uploaded the picture above without resizing it so be sure to click on it and get the full impact.

Tomorrow I am going to treat myself to a day out of the office. Getting so short at the end of work today I realized that I have a lot of work ahead of me and I need a little inspiration, a little rejuvenation of the spirit. I was thinking about Central Park. I am definitely going to visit the farmers market in Union Square, maybe buy a plant or two for the front stoop. Jodie had a great suggestion too. "Take a walk in the park, but first make something", she said. "Collage, paint, then take a walk in your favorite garden; that will be good for you". She's right, I've been talking about needing that damned tube of titanium white for entirely too long.

Ah, a surprise day off, just what the doctor ordered.

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